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Reply May possibly ten, 2016, 6:17 pm RICHARD BALD Hello I have not found on search any of the next ways of the boys not interested iI she works in a very fast food restaurant .So here goes what I do right now.Sit with back to her While waiting to gather get stands looking every where else A common problem while her friends working in restaurant they endeavor to look at your phone-but I have nothing to hide.- Just talk to to look! Girl interested says see you later but NO reply from me! This is unquestionably a Not Interested in you. She should have set not in with food, questioned a brave friend or Why don't you check with in person I don`t Chunk & 99.nine% would say Sure. Certainly not interested in making discussion at any time.

Anyway I just found it very odd and abrupt Primarily considering that he was the 1 to initiate the dialogue almost two weeks in the past by saying he missed me. I’m just extremely disoriented by this whole thing and any insight would be completely appreciated. Like what does it mean? Should I make a couple more efforts, If that's so what should I say/do? I mean I really liked this individual, and how he just stopped messaging me is quite confusing in addition to a little disconcerting.

He starts conversations in person when we've been together, shares personal details but he disappears sometimes and then shows up again when I think I’m bugging him and start keeping my distance. I am not confident if he really likes me , he hasn’t said anything And that i have never been invited by him to hang out during breaks or afterwork. I attempted showing that I like him by doing subtle little things like giving him a b working day gift, helping him out with work when he’s active. I do feel we have chemistry in addition to a large amount in common nonetheless it’s hard to know what he thinks of me.

,. Then it goes to no texting in the slightest degree, we still are civil to at least one another at work, to him eventally texting me about something, Television shows movies, songs or just any kind of convo just to find out if i will react. He never talks about any other girls, he talks me about his family but we dont have that kind of relationship that we want to or are even anywhere close to meeting a family member as well as among his friends? He appears like He's into me and then backs off and then always finds a reason to text me, but just doesnt give my any kind of signal to whether he likes me enough or not?? Are you able to please respond, its driving me nuts, i have read all your things about if He's into you or not, or am i driving him away I have read all of them and he suits some on the categories and then he does not, most of Those people questions appear to not match the sceerio? Help help, help me please>>

There’s this person from school and he is completely the nicest(although he is nice with everyone). If I ask for a gift, he gets it for me no questions questioned, we talk alot, he’s always smiling at me and my friends from school think he likes me but I’m undecided because the only time our palms accidently touched, he pulled away like fire stung him.

Reply February twenty, 2015, 9:sixteen pm Joey He wants to meet up? Could be for romance, or could be a booty call. Looks aren’t everything, if they were, he would still be with “the sexiest woman he has been with”, Or maybe his relationship with you was mainly Bodily and it never developed beyond that? He may be occupied with bills and his child, but that doesn’t stop a person from communicating with someone he really cares about. He’s giving you mixed signals, typical male thing.

I question him to request his parents if it’s ok for me to come over but he doesn’t request until the last minute. After I’ve been asking for 4-five days. I see him in person and he treats me great and like everything Is completely wonderful. Then the week starts again and he starts doing the same stuff again. His not texting back has gotten so negative that I can actually depend the amount of texts he’s sent me today on one hand. So I call him tonight and he’s talking to me but I'm able to hear his phone keep vibrating as he’s talking. He explains it’s some girl he’s friends with. No big deal right? But virtually as soon as he receives a text, he tells me to hold on so he can go text her back. But he can go hours and hours without texting me back? Even when I KNOW he’s not busy, he still takes at least an hour or so to reply. But he texts her back in a matter of seconds. I try and express how that makes me feel however it just pisses him off and he tells me he’s tired and wants to receive some rest. I tell him goodnight but he doesn’t even react as I’m talking to him over the phone. Silence. So I wait a little and call his name. No answer. So i hang up. I haven’t gotten an real “goodnight” In weeks. I’m always the a person that has to say “I love you” first. Or “I miss you”. He just looks so distant and rude and like he really just doesn’t care at all. He tells me that I’m important to him and he loves never and cares but then turns right back around and will practically tell me “I really just don’t care, just being honest, I mean what am I supposed to carry out” when I tell him something like how I’m really not feeling good. All these rude comments and when I get energized over something he kinda is just like “oh that’s good” no enthusiasm. I could go on and on but The purpose is, I’m completely stuck and don’t know what to accomplish. I love him to death but he doesn’t understand how much his words hurt sometimes. He won’t listen. If I could, I would love some advice on all this because I’m basically stuck between a rock plus a hard place. Any solutions would be great, And that i thank you so much for sparing your time to read and/or reply to this. Thank you.

Missing a date or two is a person thing, but if this is a daily incidence then it becomes telling. A man will make the time to get a woman he’s interested in. Period.

I'm crazy about this man and want to carry on dating him but possibly he has lost interest? If I see him again, and he asks how I am, should I lie and tell him I’m doing well, or should I tell him the truth and tell him I miss him?

He talks about other females appearances constantly but never talks about if he’s actually interested in them. I’ve read nearly every article there is and I still have no idea how he really thinks about me.

I love him and I think he knows. I mean..why would we be in a very relationship for a whole year if it was just a one particular side story?

Well anyways he was so thankful and said he would love to view me later and his sister wanted to try and do somethig. I said of course. The time rolls around and he said He's waiting on his sister. two hours later nothing and this point its 1130. I write hin saying it would have been good hearing from you especailly after today tbh. Night” He didnt write me. The next morning he ignored what I said and said “goodmorning”. I respond back and he asks how I am. I said good. you and he said good to. We started talking about baseball. Around five:30 pm I said to him I have to Enable him know how it bothered me that he just left me hanging all night without even a word. he wrote back right away saying he understands and he will explain when he receives home (his cell phone was at work so he only cold connect to wifi”) I say Alright. 12 hours goes by. its 9am. I see him online…nothing. I wait another three hours and I choose to write him and just say “Just fall off the money in my mail box or e-transfer it” He was online all day long without a response to navigate to these guys me. I wrote him and said he wasnt even worth it and blocked him’. The reason I reacted that way was because i went over the discovery on instagram and noticed a girls photo pop up. He commented on it that morning saying “beautiful”. Did I tackle this right? I am so sick of dating.

He determined that he wants to stay away from me. Our families are friends. My mom talked to his mother and his mother said the same words he told me! That I never showed him appreciation and that she actually told him to stop talking to me.

So in case you notice he’s remembering foolish things like that, you could safely think that you mean something to him.

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